Monday, July 21, 2008

Cars Don't Kill People, Jerk Offs In Cars Kill People

"Arms are for hugs".

So said the front bumper of the car. It also said about a half dozen other equally insightful things. God only knows what the rear end was spouting. Of course, when I say insightful, in no way do I mean thought provoking or awe inspiring. Merely, it is actually a glimpse into the hypocritical world of the mouth breather behind the wheel.

On Saturday afternoon, I was out with my 3-1/2 year old daughter, while my wife was taking the 7 year old to the American Girl movie. We decided to stop in to the local Wawa to pick up a soda for me and an icee her. On the way out, I was holding my daughter's hand and about to step off the sidewalk in front of the building toward my car across the parking lot. I saw it barrel into the lot and make a beeline for a space just across the way. It would have gone right through us about 8 feet from where I decided to stop. Thankfully, I saw the maniac. Then I heard screeching breaks and the car came to a stop about 10 feet short of the impact zone. And if that wasn't enough? Then I got the annoyed "go ahead" wave from the driver. Fuck you bitch!!

I don't personally choose to own a handgun, but know the responsibility that I would incur should I ever change my mind. I'm sure that my arm would be a hell of a lot less likely to kill someone and their small child than this "person's" car obviously is.

And there go another 5 minutes of your life you're never getting back.

Tuesday, July 1, 2008

Hammered, Then Nailed

Back to back hands in the riverchasers game last night. I'm down to just over 9 BBs at the start of level 5 and, of course, in binary mode. All in or fold. No other choice until I'm back over 10 BBs. Anyway, I pick up JJ UTG+1 and shove. Get called for less from UTG+2 and lose to his suited hammer and trip 7's. So now I have just over 2 BB and am UTG. A8s? Good enough. In they go. Right into hammer boy's AA. Thwap. GG me.

I run good. Last 3 SNGs played on tilt - ran TT into AA, ran JJ into AA, KK got run down by JT.

And there go another 5 minutes of your life you're never getting back.