Friday, January 16, 2009

Well I Guess I'm, Ummm, That Guy

That guy.

It's a description that never comes in a positive connotation. You use it for the person at the party that thinks everyone is laughing with him, but they're actually laughing AT him. The guy who pukes in the kitchen sink. Or the guy that every woman in the room is trying to avoid. And it usually follows, "Don't be..."

On the other side of the coin, "that guy" is also the chap who is so nondescript, so uninteresting that you barely remember him even being somewhere. "You know, that guy, the one with the shirt..." Completely unmemorable.

Anyway, I'm not going to say where or by who, but there I was in a series of photos from the 2008 BASH. All the others were either accurately captioned or the unknowns in the shot were just not mentioned. This one was just me. Captioned "ummm, that guy".

My question is, why post it at all if you don't know who the only person in the picture is? And a full profile no less. My self-confidence isn't all that robust to begin with. Reinforcement of my anonymous hideousness doesn't help. Or maybe I was wearing the proverbial lamp shade that night. At least it's Friday. And a 3 day weekend. Now I can bury my head in the sand for half a week and know that no one will notice and/or remember.

Weeeee.... Eagles/Cards on Sunday. I hate having the Eagles in a championship game as a favorite. No good ever comes of it. They should win but, everytime I think about it, I throw up inside. Just a little. Eagles vs. Steelers rematch in the Super Bowl. I hope.

And there go another 5 minutes of your life you're not getting back...

1 comment:

Riggstad said...

HAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!!! I gotta know what picture it is, and WHO posted it!